

Using the OSU-TBI-ID to identify those with history of brain injury

Screening for history of brain injury is critical to identifying those with undiagnosed injuries. This 40-minute pre-recorded training focuses on the screening process, highlighting a tool called the Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method, Modified. Participants will learn how to use and interpret this screening tool to identify individuals with history of acquired brain injury. Please download the form prior to starting the training.


BRAIN INJURY SYMPTOM QUESTIONNAIRE: Review of the Use of a Sympton Checklist

When a person screens positive for a history of brain injury, it might be helpful to ask about the symptoms they are experiencing. One tool that identifies symptoms and offers suggestions for accommodations that might help is the Mindsource Symptom Questionnaire. In this 30-minute webinar, you can learn more about this tool and how to administer it.

Before you start the webinar, download the following:

MIndsource Symptoms Questionnaire

Mindsource Tip Sheet

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