Have you heard the term from those with reference to their previous Covid 19 viral infection:” I have long-COVID” or “I am a COVID long hauler?”
A recent posting by the CDC, says that people with “long Covid”, often referred to by doctors as “post-COVID conditions” can have a wide range of symptoms that can last weeks, months, or even years after infection. Sometimes the symptoms can even go away and come back again. So you are not alone and the symptoms you are experiencing are real.
Brain fog is one of the most common symptoms that occur after a Covid infection and is usually part of long Covid. It often shows up after the symptoms like cough, congestion, headache, and sore throat are gone.
What can we do to not harm ourselves and help make ourselves better? There are now Post Covid Care Clinics in different places in the country to help treat this problem.
Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is a statewide organization supporting education, advocacy, and research in the field of brain injury. We envision a world in which all people with brain injuries and their supporters are leading fulfilling lives and are empowered to participate in their communities.