


I felt so hopeless and now feel like I have some ground under my feet.
-- Sandra R.
Brain Injury Survivor after connecting with BIAPA's Brain Injury Resource Line.

Gifts to the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania support BIAPA’s mission to prevent brain injuries and to foster an inclusive community of education, advocacy, support, and research to maximize the quality of life for those with brain injuries and their families.

BIAPA, along with and our network of committed volunteers, envisions a world in which people with brain injuries are leading fulfilling lives and participating in their communities. Your generous gift will help us to achieve that goal.

The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.

  • Your gift will help to support this vital mission.

  • You can also make a memorial donation to honor the memory of a loved one. A gift to BIAPA can also commemorate a special person, holiday, birthday, wedding or special occasion.

  • Please note if your donation is an honor or memorial gift and who it is in honor of/memory of. BIAPA will send a notification to the individual or family members.
Donate Online Now

If you prefer, mail your check - payable to the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania - to:

Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania
947 Wayne Avenue, No. 110
Chambersburg, PA 17201

You can also support BIAPA through the United Way Donor Option Program. Please indicate Donor Option Agency No. 15347 (BIAPA).

Brain Injury Resource Line 1-800-444-6443

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