The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania conducts many on-going programs to prevent brain injury and improve the quality of life for people who have experienced brain injury and their family members through support, education, advocacy, and research.
Annual Conference
Each year BIAPA holds a conference for the entire brain injury community in Lancaster, PA. The 2025 Conference will be Monday, June 30 and Tuesday, July 1.
Application Assistance
BIAPA provides Pre-Enrollment Assistance Services to help individuals with Brain Injury and their family members apply for Department of Health’s Head Injury Program.
Brain Injury Resource Line (BIRL)
The Brain Injury Resource Line (BIRL) is a toll-free number staffed by BIAPA volunteers who are able to provide resource information to all who call.
Brain Safety Fairs
BIAPA presents educational and fun-filled Brain Safety Fairs throughout the state each year. Many events include the fitting and distribution of free bicycle helmets.
Education and Training
BIAPA provides education and training services for both the lay person and the professional.
School Re-Entry: BrainSTEPS
The BrainSTEPS School Re-Entry Program is designed to consult with school teams and families in the development and delivery of educational services for students who have experienced any type of acquired brain injury.
Brain Injury and Opiod Misuse
The Pennsylvania Department of Health is partnering with the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania (BIAPA) to raise awareness of the intersection of brain injury and opioid misuse and to provide training and consultation to substance abuse providers and professionals who work with individuals struggling with opioid misuse and/or addiction.
Support Group Listing
BIAPA maintains a list of support groups throughout Pennsylvania. The Association also hosts a monthly virtual support group every third Thursday of each month at 5 PM and a second support group for caregivers the second Wednesday of each month at 6 PM ET. Email for more information.
Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is a statewide organization supporting education, advocacy, and research in the field of brain injury. We envision a world in which all people with brain injuries and their supporters are leading fulfilling lives and are empowered to participate in their communities.