Advocacy Resources

Advocacy Resources

The following organizations are able to provide advocacy to individuals for specific needs:

Disability Rights PA (DRP)

Disability Rights Pennsylvania is a non-profit corporation designated as the federally-mandated organization to advance and protect the civil rights of adults and children with disabilities. DRP works with people with disabilities and their families, their organizations, and their advocates to ensure their right to live in their communities with the services they need, to receive a full and inclusive education, to live free of discrimination, abuse and neglect, and to have control and self-determination over their services. DRP works to ensure that people with disabilities have equal and unhindered access to employment, transportation, public accommodations, and government services; to enforce their rights to vocational, habilitative, post-secondary educational, health, and other services; and to protect them from abuse and neglect. DRP identifies systemic issues which are important to people with disabilities and seeks change and reform through litigation, administrative advocacy, and public education.

DRP Websit

Tri-State Advocacy

Tri-State Advocacy is a group of advocates who have personally faced the challenges of having a family member with a catastrophic injury. The major obstacle that they faced and that you may be currently dealing with is not knowing how to get the help needed. Calling government agencies can be discouraging and not knowing the questions to ask can make the process even more frustrating. The goal of Tri-State Advocacy is to help navigate you through this process.

For questions or more information call:

1-877-774-6380   Email:
1-888-454-0345 - evenings & weekends

Tri-State Advocacy Website

Pennsylvania Health Law Project (PHLP)

PHLP is a nationally recognized expert and consultant on access to healthcare for low-income consumers, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. For more than two decades, PHLP has engaged in direct advocacy on behalf of individual consumers while working on the kinds of health policy changes that promise the most to Pennsylvanians in greatest need.

PHLP provides free legal help to Pennsylvanians who are seeking health coverage through publicly funded programs, or have been denied a medically necessary service.

Some examples of cases that PHLP handles include:

  • Denials of eligibility for Medicaid (Medical Assistance)
  • Denials of services under Medical Assistance (e.g., home health aides, prescription drugs, durable medical equipment)
  • Individuals struggling with their health care costs
  • Individuals struggling with their prescription co-pays under Medicare Part D

PHLP Helpline


PHLP Website

Brain Injury Resource Line 1-800-444-6443

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