Your helmet should fit properly and be:
Well maintained
Age appropriate
Worn consistently and correctly
Appropriately certified for use
While there is no concussion-proof helmet, a helmet can help protect everyone from a serious brain or head injury. Even with a helmet, it is important for you to avoid hits to the head.
Thanks to Lebanon Valley College, one of BIAPA's Brain Safety Fair partners, for this video that demonstrates how to properly fit and care for a bicycle helmet.
to learn more about helmets and brain safety through the CDC's Heads Up Program.
Falls lead to nearly half of TBI-related hospitalizations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Falls can affect individuals of all ages and may happen at any time. Unlike other causes of brain injury, such as combat, motor vehicle accidents, and near drowning, falls are not restricted to specific environments. This makes them particularly dangerous.
According to the CDC, approximately 3 million older people are treated in ER’s for fall injuries every year, and about 20% result in serious injuries, such as broken bones or a head injury.
For more information on falls and fall prevention, click the links below:
*** The above information is from the Brain Injury Association of America
Making small adjustments in your daily life and taking the proper precautions can prevent you from sustaining a brain injury as the result of a fall. Falls occur in all population segments and can occur in any situation. It is important to remain cognizant of the risks this September during National Falls Prevention Awareness Month and all year.
Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is a statewide organization supporting education, advocacy, and research in the field of brain injury. We envision a world in which all people with brain injuries and their supporters are leading fulfilling lives and are empowered to participate in their communities.