Brain injury rehabilitation is not an exact science – every injury and every individual is different, so every treatment plan needs to be tailored to fit the individual’s needs. Strong clinical leadership and experienced therapists who think outside the box and are willing to go the extra mile to make it work are critical elements for a successful outcome.
Our Mission at CoBI is to fund education & opportunities related to brain injury, support research for improved treatment, and be an advocate for improved services.
Community Skills Program® is a private, non-residential community reentry program that was founded in 1981 to serve persons with brain injuries. Now in its 39th year of operation, the program also serves persons with other neurological and neuro-developmental disabilities.
The attorneys of Baratta Russell and Baratta are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, friends and neighbors — we recognize the difficulties people face in this life. We know life can be cruel and unfair and yet glorious and forgiving.
We are aggressive trial lawyers fighting to right the wrongs done to our clients.
We are trusted advisors who help our clients keep what they have worked so hard to earn.
Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is a statewide organization supporting education, advocacy, and research in the field of brain injury. We envision a world in which all people with brain injuries and their supporters are leading fulfilling lives and are empowered to participate in their communities.