Helmets for the Holidays

Helmets for the Holidays

Give the Gift of Prevention

The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is committed to maximizing the quality of life for people with brain injuries and their families. BIAPA also provides valuable initiatives focusing on Education and Brain Injury Prevention.

Your gift to Helmets for the Holidays: Give the Gift of Prevention will support our important work, including:

Brain Injury Resource Line (BIRL), which offers information about resources that may be of help to people with brain injury or their family. 

  • Support groups and much-needed community-building activities for brain injury survivors
  • Education and training about the brain and the impact of brain injury
  • Brain Injury Prevention Programs, such as Brain Safety Fairs with free bicycle helmet fittings.
  • If you’d like to make a gift in honor of a friend, family member or colleague, please note that information on our secure donation form, and we'll send our Helmets for the Holidays bicycling snowman card with a message about your gift to the person you've honored.


If you’re a business and you’d like to make a gift in honor of clients or colleagues, please email us at admin@biapa.org or call 833-242-7248. We’ll make it easy for you to support BIAPA! Send us a list of your honorees, and we’ll send them our bicycling snowman card with a note letting them know them that you’ve recognized them in this way.

Best wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season!

In the video on the right, Padraig Tangney, Chief Operating Officer for Success Rehabilitation, shares with BIAPA Board Member, Tracy Yatsko Onyekanne, why he and Success Rehabilitation participate in BIAPA’s Helmets for the Holidays program.

Brain Injury Resource Line 1-800-444-6443

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