BIAPA Honors Nine at the 2022 Conference

One highlight of the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania’s annual conference is the presentation of awards that recognize the achievements and contributions made by individuals, institutions and families to Pennsylvania’s brain injury community.  Nine recipients were honored at the 2022 Conference, which was held in June in Lancaster.  Since the 2021 Conference was cancelled due…

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Project to evaluate providing cognitive rehabilitation treatment through telehealth

The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania partnered with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute to study the feasibility and satisfaction with cognitive rehabilitation services delivered through a video-conference platform. This project included 27 individuals with traumatic brain injury enrolled in the Pennsylvania Head Injury Program. After 6 months of treatment,…

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BIAPA to Screen for Brain Injury in Pennsylvania State Prisons


The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania (BIAPA) in partnership with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PA DOC), will be working on a 5-year federal grant from the National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) to implement a randomized clinical research trial to determine if a case management…

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BIAPA wants to share survivor creations!


The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is creating a new space for survivors on our website. It will be easier to navigate and to help you keep in the know about what’s coming up! It will include a section devoted to the skills and talents of brain injury survivors. Whatever your talent is, from painting…

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Care for the Caregiver after Brain Injury

BIAPA’s Virtual Educational Series will continue with a program focusing on caregivers on Wednesday March 3, 2021 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. The speaker will be neuropsychologist Dr. Ann Marie McLaughlin, BIAPA’s president and director of outpatient, home and community-based services for ReMed.  Through her years working in acute and post-acute brain injury rehabilitation, Dr.…

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Fitness Training After Brain Injury: Why and How

BIAPA’s Virtual Educational Series will continue with a program focusing on fitness training after brain injury on Thursday February 18, 2021 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. The speaker will be Scott Dillman, co-founder of Fitness Trainers Inc., and founder of the Fighting Back Program and the Fighting Back Scholarship Program.  He is a retired major…

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Pennsylvania Department of Health launches acquired brain injury program


The Pennsylvania Department of Health recently introduced a new program for individuals with non-traumatic acquired brain injury. The Acquired Brain Injury Program (ABIP) provides brain injury rehabilitation for individuals who meet the eligibility criteria. To be eligible for the ABIP, you must: Be 18 to 21 years of age Be a Pennsylvania resident Meet income…

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BIAPA mourns the passing of Administrator Kara Latshaw

Kara Latshaw

The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania is heartbroken as we inform you of the passing of Kara Latshaw, longtime Administrator for the association.  Known to many for her enthusiasm and support for individuals with brain injury and their families, Kara consistently went far beyond her official role to guide BIAPA and its members.  She was…

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